Составить 10 предложений по правилу на фотке, все 3 формы



Ответ дал: svetadovx5
Mia is listening to music.
Jack is playing computer games.
Lola is watching TV.
He isn't reading a book.
She isn't doing her homework.
I am picking flowers.
Are you playing football?
Is he brushing teeth?
Is Nino and Lisa eating?
Ответ дал: kristin2560ozgsdq
1— утвердительные предложения. She is going to watch a cartoon tonight.
She is going to play computer games.
He is going to tidy the room(комната)
2— отрицательные предложения.
She is not going to watch a cartoon tonight.
He is not going to help my mum.
She is not going to listen to music.
He is not going to lay the table.
Is she going to walk a dog? Yes, she is. Not, she isn't
Is she going to feed my pet? Yes, she is, not, she isn't(выбирай что хочешь)
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