put the verbs in brackets in the past simple or the present perfect.
1.They ........ (leave) for Russia last night.
2.We ........ (alredy/book) the tickets.
3. ........... (you/ever/be) abroad?
4 He"s tired. He .......... (just/finish) work.
5. Maria .......... (travel) abroad last year?
6. Boris ............ (not/arrive) yet
7. We .......... (move) to Rome last year
8. Nestor ........ (go) bungee jumping last summer
9. Vera ........... (cycle) across country many times
10. Peter ......... (ride) a amel last year


Ответ дал: parljukljuba
1 left
2 have already booked
3 have you ever been abroad?
4 has just finished
5 did Maria travel....?
6 hasn't arrived
7 moved
8 went
9 has cycled
10 rode
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