помогите пожалуйста перевести в косвенную речь, срочно, пожалуйста!



Ответ дал: chebyrashkaa
She said that that looked very good. He asked how much it was. 
He answered the it was four pounds and that it came to eight pounds with the sausages. He asked if that was alright.
She thanked him. 
He hopefully asked whether she wanted anything else. He suggested some beef.
Mary Poppins denied.
The man tied up the parcel and gave it to her. 
He said that the weather was bad.
Marry Poppins answered that she didn't believe they were going to have any summer at all. She paid the money and got the change, then they went out of the shop.

Анастасия0907061: спасибо большое , а можно ещё перевод?!
Анастасия0907061: если не трудно?
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