Раскройте скобки употребив глагол в past simple and past continuous

When i (come) home, my mum (sleep)
We (play) computer games,while dad (watch) TV
My mum (wash) the dishes and (watch) TV
When i (see) her,she (dance)
Mary (cook) when the phone (ring)
While he (think) ,the bus (leave)
When my granny (come) in the room ,i (read) book
While we (talk) the cat (disappear)
It (rine) and i (close) the window
When i fitst (meet) her she (wear) a long dress


Ответ дал: ludochka0907p0wipe
When i came home, my mum was sleeping
We were playing computer games,while dad was watching TV
My mum washed the dishes and watched TV
When i saw her,she was dancing
Mary was cooking when the phone rang
While he was thinking ,the bus was leaving
When my granny came in the room ,i was reading book
While we were talking the cat disappeared
It was raining and i closed the window
When i first met her she was wearing a long dress

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