We are sure you know something about popular British sports and games. Please say a few words about them. Пожалуйста помогите, очень нужно! ОЧЕНЬ!


Ответ дал: KingArtur9355
Scrabble - game for clever people. You should make a first word and do another words with first word. Sounds strange.
Monopoly - you should buy any companies and get money if second player stayed on it. When your balance is zero - you lose.
Basketball - you should take a ball and throw it in basket. But it is not so easy.
Your enemies have this task too. They will take your ball and throw it in your basket.
Scrabble - у нас: эрудит.
Monopoly: у нас: Монополия.
Basketball: у нас: баскетбол.

Микаыжб: спааасиибооо
Микаыжб: спс
Микаыжб: пс
Микаыжб: спс
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