47. … he … TV an hour ago?
a. Does … watch b. Did … watch c. Did … watched
48. She always … to bed at ten o`clock.
a. go b. goes c. is going d. went
49. She … not … last Wednesday.
a. does … arrive b. did … arrive c. did … arrived d. will … arrive
50. They are having breakfast ….
a. yesterday b. every day c. at the moment
51. …. tomatoes do you need for the pizza?
a. How much b. How many c. How long
52. … I have a glass of water?
a. Must b. Can c. Should
53. … Jill … the phone bill yet?
a. Has … paid b. Have … paid c. Did … pay
54. There aren`t any … on the table.
a. knifes b. knife c. knives
55. There are … apples in the basket.
a. much b. a little c. some
56. Yuko … in Japan.
a. lives b. live c. is living


Ответ дал: vvvbbb2005
47 - b
48 - b
49 - b
50 - c
51 - b
52 - b
53 - a
54 - c
55 - c
56 - a
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