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This morning we arrived in Oxford. We spent ... time there. We visited ... museums and other places of interest. It's strange but we saw only ... young people in the streets. I wonder, do students study on Saturday?


Today we'll go back home. I think there are no towns like Oxford in Britain: where else you can see so ... nice old houses! It's a pity that we had only ... time to see the town today. I would like to study here very much!


Ответ дал: ПростоЛёка

This morning we arrived in Oxford. We spent little time there. We visited a few museums and other places of interest. It's strange but we saw only few young people in the streets. I wonder, do students study on Saturday?


Today we'll go back home. I think there are no towns like Oxford in Britain: where else you can see so many nice old houses! It's a pity that we had only little time to see the town today. I would like to study here very much!

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