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Put the verbs in the Present Simple,Present Continuaes,Future Simple,Past Simple.
1. ... you (play) football on Saturdays?
2. ... he usually (go) there by bus?
3. ... Ann (meet) hes friends on Sundays?
4 ... your sister (like) ice-cream?
5. ... they always (go) to bed at 10 oclok?
6. ... your parents (work) in a hospital?
7. ... Tom (listen) to the radio now?
8. Look at them! ... they (play) in the garden?
9. ... they (play) on their computer now?
10. What ... she (do) now?
11. ... children (eat) now?
12. It's hot; ... I (open) the window?
13. ... you (help) me tomorrow?
14. ... you (bring) our project yesterday?
15. ... they (buy) a magazine yesterday?
16. ... your friends (go) to see the parade yesterday?
17. What time ... you (go) tomorrow?
18. ... he (play) with his toys now?


Ответ дал: kingsman17p8tynb
1. Do you play football on Saturdays?
2. Does he usually go there by bus?
3. Does Ann meet her friends on Sundays?
4 Does your sister like ice-cream?
5. Do they always go to bed at 10 o'clock?
6. Do your parents work in a hospital?
7. Is Tom listening to the radio now?
8. Look at them! Are they playing in the garden?
9. Are they playing on their computer now?
10. What is she doing now?
11. Are children eating now?
12. It's hot; Shall I open the window?
13. Will you help me tomorrow?
14. Did you bring our project yesterday?
15. Did they buy a magazine yesterday?
16. Did your friends go to see the parade yesterday?
17. What time will you go tomorrow?
18. Is he playing with his toys now?
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