Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs translate them into Russian.
1.If i (not/have to) study, i (go) to a concert with my friends.(2)
2. If i (can) speak six languages, i (become) an interpreterat the UN.(2)
3. We (not/get) to the top of the mountain if the weather (be) bad. (3)
4. i (get) a new bike if i (win) the race. (1)
5. if i (know) about their anniversary, i (buy) some flowers.


Ответ дал: AripovZ
1. If I didn't have to study, I would go to a concert with my friends. ( Если у меня не было бы занятий, я бы пошёл с друзьями на концерт. )
2. If I could speak six languages I would become an interpreter in the UN. ( Если я мог бы говорить на шести языках, я стал бы переводчиком в ООН. )
3.We wouldn't have got to the top of the mountain if the weather had been bad.( Мы не смогли бы добраться до вершины горы, если была бы плохая погода )
4. I shall get a new bike if I win the race. ( Я достану новый велик, если выиграю гонку. )
5. If I had known about their anniversary I would have bought some flowers. ( Если бы я знал об их годовщине, я купил бы цветы.
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