Vocabulary and Grammar A. Choose the correct item. 1. Helen has got a __________ sister. A. double B. twice C. twin 2. I have basketball _____ Mondays. A. on B. at C. in 3. I have got a big ______ in my bedroom. A. sink B. cupboard C. wardrobe 4. Bob usually has ________ bacon for breakfast. A. any B. some C. the 5. August is the ______ month of the year. A. eight B. eighth C. eighteen 6. I go to school ______ bus. A. by B. on C. in 7. Bob and Mary can _______ a bike. A. ride B. drive C. sail 8. It is going to be a _____ day, so take your umbrella. A. wet B. sunny C. hot 9. Watch ____! There is a car coming. A. up B. over C. out 10. It is time to _____ to bed. A. go B. have C. take 11. He _______ literature at school. A. teachers B. teach C. teaching 12. She is really keen ____ cycling. A. on B. of C. in 13. My mum _______ very well. A. is cooking B. cooks C. has cooked 14. At Halloween we all wear _______ . A. cake B. costumes C. fireworks 15. Mary is doing the __________. She loves plants and flowers. A. dusting B. homework C. gardening 16. I want ______ ice cream. A. some B. any C. about 17. Susan lives in a block of ________. A. flats B. rooms C. palace 18. We usually ______ shopping at the weekends. A. do B. go C. play 19. John is doing a _______ puzzle. A. jigsaw B.scrabble C. Monopole 20. We were afraid to swim in the______ river. A. polluted B. deserted C. clean 21. Did you ____ your granny yesterday? A. visit B. visited C. visits 22. I _____ at the door but no one answered. A. knocked B. hit C. rang 23. I saw him two dais ______. A. ago B. past C. gone 24. Be quite. You ____ make noise. A. can B. must not C. must 25. She is not _____ to go to the library. A. will B. would C. going 26. Lets go and see the animals in the _______ A. stadium B. zoo C. library 27. People in the country side are _____ than in the city. A. friendly B. friendlier C. friendliest. 28. There are a lots of works of art in the ________. A. gallery B. palace C. house 29. He is going to the International Summer ______ in august. A. school B. flat C. house 30. You are on holiday. You _____ wake up early . A. have to B. must not C. need not. Every day English. B. Choose the correct response. 31. How about going to the aquarium? a) I do not really like fish. b) Yes, I need some exercise 32. Excuse me. Is this Mr. Browns office? a) thank you. b) Yes. What I can do for you? 33. What do you do on your free time? a) I love going wind surfing. b) I have the perfect thing for you. 34. Could I have your name please? a) Yes. It is Brown. Mr. Brown b) You are welcome Mr. Brown. 35. Would you like anything to eat? a) fruit salad, Please. b) a cup of tea, please.


Ответ дал: tonya9090
1) c
4) b
5) b
24) a
32) b

Как-то так, конечно, не отрицаю, что могут быть ошибки

lifeminelivegood: cgfc
lifeminelivegood: Спасибо
Candy007: Извините, но в 11 номере у вас вроде ошибка, так как с He(он) мы в Present Simple к глаголу добавляем s(es), поэтому ответ там a?
Candy007: А у пользователя явно неправильно написан глагол под буквой а, так как в тесте а) teaches, а у него teachers из-за чего вы в ответе допустили ошибку.
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