1) We must ________ our homework every day.
2) Children ________ a good time at school.
3) They __________ new words in the English lesson.
4) I __________ teacher’s questions every day.
5) We________ many poems by heart.
6) My little sister can _________ from 1 to20.
7) During the break we ________ orange juice.
8) Mary and Ben don’t ________ computer games at school.
Решите пожалуйста у меня очень мало времени!


Ответ дал: AnyaBondaruk
1 do
2 spent
3 are learning
4 ask
5 learn
7 drink 
8 play

razenkovaaleks: Большое Вы меня спасли
Ответ дал: peipergamerp8ntwz
1) do 
2) spend 
3) learn 
4) answer
5) have
6) count
7) drink
8) play

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