Пж помогите по англ.40 баллов даю
F Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
e. g. baker's/to/going/to/Vera/to/is/go/the.
Vera is going to go to the baker's.
31 week/computer/ a /she/ buy/going/is/to/ new/ next.
34 tomorrow/to/flying/Mexico/Brian
32 next/to/going/are/we/move/house/week.
35 afternoon/shopping/going/is/she/this
33 bike/to/you/going/the/are

F Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
e. g. baker's/to/going/to/Vera/to/is/go/the.
Vera is going to go to the baker's.
31 dishes/to/you/going/the/are/wash?
34 soon /to/ going/ are/ they/move/home
32 museum/visiting/is/John/the/tomorrow.
35 tomorrow/to/flying/Russia/is/she
33 week/dictionary/ a/ I/ buy/ going/ am /to/ new/


Ответ дал: YULIA598
31.She is going to buy a new computer next week.
34.Brian ( is)  flying to Mexico tomorrow.
32we are going to move to house next week. 
35.She is going shopping this afternoon.
33.Are you gong to the bike?
31.Are you going to wash the dishes.
32.John is visiting the museum  tomorrow.
35. She is flying to Russia  tomorrow.
33.I am going to buy  a new dictonary next week.

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