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Ответ дал: Алекcaндp
- This puding tastes delicious!
- Thanks. I was trying to do my best. And it's not difficult to make.
- What is there in it?
- There's some flour, of couse. There are also some eggs and berries.
- Did you put any baking soda?
- No, i didn't. There is some sugar and vegetable oil, too.
- Is it all?
- I think so. No... I forgot. There is a little vanilla, that's all.
- Great. I'll try to cook it myself.
You should take two tomatoes, three cucumbers, a tin of olives and some cheese.
First cut the tomatoes and cucumbers int the pieces.
Second open the tin of olives.
Put all the vegetables and olives in a large bowl.
Cut the chees into large cubes and put them into the bowl, too.
Last ad some salt, pepper and olive oil.
Enjoy your meal!

elizabetn351777: спасибо большое
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