My father is … doctor.
- b. a c. an d. the
Do you want … orange?
- b. a c. an d. the
I … from China.
are b. is c. am
… are rabbits.
These b. This c. That
Are there … glasses in the cupboard?
some b. a c. any
He … got three apples.
is b. has c. have
There is a vase …. table.
in b. on c. at
….is he from?
Who b. Where c. What
There is a swimming-pool … the garden.
on b. under c. in
… is my bed.
There b. This c. These
There`s … armchair in the living- room.
any b. some c. an
They`ve got two … .
child b. childs c. children
I can see five … .
box b. boxs c. boxes
These are his … .
key b. keys c. keies
Are there any … in the garden?
bench b. benchs c. benches
«… is Jerry?» «He is my friend»
Whose b.Who`s c. What
«Is this bicycle …?»
you b.your c.yours
This is my brother. … name is Jonathan.
He b. His c.They
He is … cousin.
Alex and Rachel b. Alex`s and Rachel`s c. Alex and Rachel`s
Are these …?
Paul b. Paul`s c.Pauls`
I …got short hair.
`m b. `ve c. `re
She … a nurse.
am b. is c. are
He … draw but he can cook.
can`t b. not c. can
Bill … to the gym on Sundays.
go b. goes c. is going
I like … in the garden.
work b. works c. working
I speak English … than my sister.
good b. better c. the best
A lot of …. don`t like snakes.
persons b. peoples c. people
We live … a flat.
in b. on c. at
There are four … in the room.
woman b. woman`s c. women
This is … car.
she b. her c. hers
… do you eat for breakfast?
When b. How c. What
We always have lunch … 12 o`clock.
at b. on c. in
There are a lot of … in the park.
geese b. goose`s c. goose
…. is that bag, please?
How b. How much c. How many
… you like ice cream?
Doesn`t b. Are c. Do
I … tennis at the moment.
play b. plays c. am playing d. are playing
… you …. TV now?
Do …watch b. Are … watching c. Did …watch
Tina can`t …. well.
dances b. dance c. dancing
….are your parents from?
Who b. Why c. Where
... you like going to the cinema?
Are b. Does c. Do
When I … five, I could read.
were b. was c. am
I … a letter to my mum yesterday.
write b. am writing c. wrote d. will write
I … a letter to my mum tomorrow.
write b. am writing c. wrote d. will write
I … a letter to my mum lately.
write b. am writing c. wrote d. have written
I … a letter to my mum every day.
write b. am writing c. wrote d. will write
I … a letter to my mum now.
write b. am writing c. wrote d. will write
… he … TV an hour ago?
Does … watch b. Did … watch c. Did … watched
She always … to bed at ten o`clock.
go b. goes c. is going d. went
She … not … last Wednesday.
does … arrive b. did … arrive c. did … arrived d. will … arrive
They are having breakfast ….
yesterday b. every day c. at the moment
…. tomatoes do you need for the pizza?
How much b. How many c. How long
… I have a glass of water?
Must b. Can c. Should
… Jill … the phone bill yet?
Has … paid b. Have … paid c. Did … pay
There aren`t any … on the table.
knifes b. knife c. knives
There are … apples in the basket.
much b. a little c. some
Yuko … in Japan.
lives b. live c. is living
I … finish it tomorrow.
will b. do c. did
He likes playing … basketball.
- b. the c. a
I … go to school yesterday because I was ill.
am not b. didn`t c. don`t
Did you … a pet when you were young?
have b. had d. has
If Mark … the boat, we … fishing.
repairs, go b. repairs, will go c. will repair, will go
If the sun …, snow … .
shines, melts b. shines, will melt c. will shine, will melt
When Amanda …, she … looking for a job.
graduates, starts b. graduates, will start c. will graduate, will start
Yesterday at 6pm I … computer games.
play b. played c. was playing d. have played
When my mum … home, I … computer games.
come, played b. came, played c. came, was playing

Oganes1099: Помогите пожалуйста очень надо


Ответ дал: gvenlich
14. b
24. b
25. c
26. b
27. c
28. a
31. c
32. a
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