Join the sentences. Use the relatives in brackets.

1)Taraz is a beautiful city. People can see historic buildings.(where)___________
2)This is my friend,Ascar.He is studying at university.(who)___________
3)This is my new bicycle. I bought it last week.(which)_________
4)These are my old shoes. I going to throw them away.(which)___________
5)Bayanaul Park is a popular destination. Lots of people like to spend their holidays there.(where)________
6)Mr and Mr Stokes are my neighbors.They have lived in this area for many years.(who)_________



Ответ дал: detichelenin
1)Taraz is a beautiful city, where people can see historic buildings.
2)This is my friend,Ascar, who is studying at university.
3)This is my new bicycle, which I bought last week.
4)These are my old shoes, which I am going to throw away.
5)Bayanaul Park is a popular destination, where lots of people like to spend their holidays.
6)Mr and Mr Stokes are my neighbors, who have lived in this area for many years.

Sabina140904: Спасибо вам
Ответ дал: galina572319
1) Taraz is a beautiful city where people can see historic buildings.
2) This is my friend, Ascar who is studying at university.
3) This is my new bicycle 
which I bought last week.
4) These are my old shoes 
which I am going to throw away.
5) Bayanaul Park is a popular destination 
where lots of people like to spend their holidays.
6) Mr and Mr Stokes are my neighbors who have lived in this area for many years.
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