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начиная с tense revision все упражнения
35 баллов



Ответ дал: Zihuatanejo
1. is snowing
2. have
3. watches; doesn't have
4. Is Bob flying
5. is howling
6. do your sisters make noise; try

1. went
2. did you have
3. was
4. loved
5. didn't want
6. what did you do
7. stayed
8. saw
9. enjoyed
10. are you planning anything
11. don't think
12. is working
13. have

1. will you help me
2. is going to join
3. will order
4. are going to drop
5. will not come
6. am not going to work

1. No, I won't.
2. No, they didn't.
3. Yes, he did.
4. No, he doesn't.
5. Yes, it is.
6. Yes, I do.
7. No, they aren't.
8. Yes, they are.
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