помогите сделать прогрес чек по агнлийскому. Прошу вас!!!


seniorhellgyu: каждый номер прономировать типо 1-Europe 2-tiger и т.д
seniorhellgyu: заранее спасибо


Ответ дал: Anastasiaa000
1 . 2 the cheapest resturant in 
3 the happiest day of
4 the most intelligent student in
5 the most valuable painting in
6 the busiest time of
8 of the richest man in
9 one of the biggest castle in 
10 one of the best player in 
11 one of the worst experience in 
12 one of the most famous university in
2 . 3 larger
4 the smallest
5 better
6 the worst
7 the most popular
8 the highest , higher
9 the tallest
10 more comfortable
11 the quickest
12 quicker
13 the most expensive
14 the oldest
3 . 2 the funniest joke Ive ever heard
3 is the best coffee Ive ever tasted
4 is the vost generous person Ive ever met
5 is the farthest Ive ever run
6 is the worst mistake Ive ever made
7 is the most famous person youve met?
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