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Australian actor Nicole Kidman Arial does not belive that female Hollywood actors a now doing (GOOD) than men. Even though they are getting good major roles she still (FELL) they are often treated (BAD) than male the actors. Still "The Hourse" for wich Nicole (GET) an Oscar in 2003 did better at the box office than many other films. Nicole Kidman combine career with appearances at the theatre more successfully than others. People in the industry say that she (WORK) harder than most others.

Пожалуйстааа помогитее, очень срочно! Заранее спасибо!


Ответ дал: HellishHelen

Australian actor Nicole Kidman Arial does not belive that female Hollywood actors are now doing BETTER than men. Even though they are getting good major roles she still FELLS they are often treated WORSE than male actors. Still "The Hourse" for which Nicole GOT an Oscar in 2003 did better at the box office than many other films. Nicole Kidman combines career with appearances at the theatre more successfully than others. People in the industry say that she WORKS harder than most others.

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