СРОЧНО СРОЧНО СРОЧНО!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Преобразуйте следующие предложения, используя I WISH.Возможно более одного ответа
1)If me parents allowed me to have piercing i would have it.
2)If we could wear accessories we would wear them.
3)if me mom allowed me to wear high-heels shose i would wear them.
4)if was a tourist in England i would travel to London
5)is i visited Britain i would buy a teapot from the famous Tea House in London


Ответ дал: evilqueen987p94wjw
1)I wish my paerents allowed me to have piersing
2)I wish we could wear accessories
3) I wish my mom allowed me to wear high heels shoes
4)I wish I was a tourist in England
5) I wish I visited Britain

Yuzon: Спасибо огромное)
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