Complete the phone conversation. Use the verbs in CAPITALS in the appropriate form.

Receptionist: Hello! This is Language Centre. My name is Liana. How can I help you?
Max: Hello. I'm Max. I _____ to find out about your summer programmes. I'm interested in French language courses.(CALL)
Receptionist: Right. _____ on any of our programmes, Max? (YOU/EVER/PARTICIPATE)
Max: No. It's the first time I've ever thought of applying.
Receptionist: Ok. Then I'll start with the most popular programmes. According to our survey, the three-week-course "Boost your summer" _____ to be the most appealing.(CONSIDER) It focuses not only on language skills but on problem _____ and the ability to work in a team.
Max: That sounds great. And what level is required to join the course?
Receptionist: Don't worry, we have groups of different levels. When you decide on the course, you _____ by our teachers tout your exact level. (INTERVIEW)
Max: Oh. Is it necessary?
Receptionist: Yes. And a brief grammar test as well. It's for your own good, believe me. We want to be sure you are learning what you really need, not wasting your time with us.
Max: Ok. I don't enjoy _____ tests, but I'll do it. (WRITE) Could you mail me all the details about this course?
Receptionist: Sure. Please could you tell me your e-mail?


Ответ дал: newtrymeow
am calling
have you ever participated
is considered

will be interviewed

AlinaLime7: Я пропустила слово. SOLVE
newtrymeow: solving
AlinaLime7: Спасибо
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