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1.The teacher said to me:”You have not done the homework well”
2.She said:”You will read this book in the 9 th form”
3.”Go home”,said the teacher to us
4.I said to mike:”Send me a telegram as soon as you arrive
5.He said to her:”Where do you spend your holidays?”
6.I said to Becky:”What kind of book has your friend brought you?”
7.”Did you see that car?”,he asked me


Ответ дал: sweettyy700
The teacher said to me, that i have not done the homework well
She said? that i will read this book in the 9 th form
Teacher said to us that we go home.
 И так далее, просто заменяешь you на I и добавляешь that перед that  всегда ставится запятая. Удачи, надеюсь поймешь. Если, что допишу)

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