Выберите только один правильный ответ из предложенных:
1). … British Isles lay to the north-west of … Europe.
a). - , - b). the, - c). the, the d). the, a
2). My father … washing his car now.
a). wash b). washed c). washing d). is washing
3). I can see three … in the photo.
a). woman b). women c). womans d). womens
4). Yesterday the students … to the interesting lecture on Literature.
a). listen b). listened c). are listening d). have listened
5). I study at the faculty of …
а). librarianship b). archives c). secretary d). bookkeeping


Ответ дал: myulechka
1) b
2) d
3) b
4) b
5) a
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