Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Continuous,going to or will.
например they are black clouds in the sky. Its going to rain ( rain)
1 we................................................................( go) to France next week.
2 she........................................................(study) history at university next year/
3 be careful! You....................................(have) un accident/
4 its looks like it...................................(rain) soon.
5 Someone is at the door. I..................................(get) it!. Пожалуйста помогите


Ответ дал: liz172
1 we are going to France next week.
2 she is going to study history at university next year/
3 be careful! You are going to have un accident/
4 its looks like it is going to rain soon.
5 Someone is at the door. I will get it!. 

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