Замените придаточные предложения времени герундием с предлогом after, on, before.

* on, after – после

* before – перед

ПРИМЕР Before translating the text, he underlined all the unknown words. — Прежде, чем переводить текст, он выписал все незнакомые слова.

1. When they entered the house, they heard the strange noise.

2. After she had passed the exams, she was very pleased.

3. When he reached his destination, he sent a telegram home.

4. Before I went out, I phoned Ann.

5. When he entered, she stood up and left the room. She even didn’t look at him.

6. Before Robert read the letter, he felt very worried.


Ответ дал: anya100rozz
After entering the house, they...
After passing the...
Before sending a telegram home, he reached his destination
before going out,...
After entering, she...
Before reading the letter, Robert felt...

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