3. Выберите верный вариант. 1. He never .................. the electric cables. touches is touching touch 2. We .................... to the oil rig now. goes are going go 3. The driller ................... to work now. goes is going go 4. He always ....................... the ear protectors. wears is wearing wear 5. Look! They ..................... a hole in the ground. drills are drilling drill 6. John ................. to his road tanker now. walks is walking walk 7. My dad usually .................in a crew. work is working works 8. I .................... the explosives at the moment. set am setting is setting 9. They...................... in a restaurant every Sunday. eats are eating eat 10. The explosion always ................. the seismic waves. sends send is sending 4. Поставьте сказуемое в нужную форму 1. Tony __________a shower every morning. have 2. He __________ in an application form at the moment. fill 3. We __________ oil at the oil rig extract 4. Listen! The boss __________ us to the office now. call 5. My colleague ___________ a jacket and trousers now. wear 6. Look at Tom and Jim! They __________ to the oil rig. go 7. The driver __________ the road tanker now. wash 8. We __________ on a holiday every year . go 9. Jane __________ a test at the moment. do 10. I __________ the explosives at the oil field. denotate 11. They __________ their lunch now. have 12. We __________ helmets every day. wear 13. James __________ the computer every day. use 14. We usually __________ warm clothes in winter. wear 15. He often __________ a sandwich at lunchtime. eat


Ответ дал: mangocharlotte
1. touches. 2. are going 3. is going 4. wears 5. are drilling 6. is walking 7. works 8. am setting 9. eat 10. sends
1. has 2. is filling 3. extract 4. is calling 5. is wearing 6. are going 7. is washing 8. go 9. is doing 10. denotate 11. are having 12. wear 13. uses 14. wear 15. eats.
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