Добрый день! Срочно, пожалуйста.
Перепишите следующие предложения, подчеркните и определите вид придаточных предложений.
1. The house they live in is on the other side of the street.
2. When we want to tell other people what we think, we can do it in many ways.
3. If he affected her at all, it was inevitable that she should love or hate him.
4. We know that the more we study and read the more we understand English.
5. When I reached London I found waiting for me an urgent request that I should go to Mrs Strickland’s as soon after dinner as I could.

rybolov67: Нужно найти Определительные и дополнительные придаточные предложения: придаточные обстоятельственные предложения времени и условия.


Ответ дал: galina572319
1. The house, they live in, is on the other side of the street.
     Relative Clause - придаточное определительное: (Which house?) 
they live in
2. When we want to tell other people what we think, we can do it in many ways.
Вопрос:  (What?-что?) -Придаточное дополнительное: 
what we think
Вопрос: (When - когда?) -и придаточное времени When we want to tell other people what we think
3. If he affected her at all, it was inevitable that she should love or hate him.
Придаточное условия: 
If he affected her at all
4. We know that the more we study and read the more we understand English.  Придаточное дополнительное
5. When I reached London, I found waiting for me an urgent request that I should go to Mrs Strickland’s as soon after dinner as I could. 
Придаточные времени: 1 - 
When I reached London;   
2 -
Придаточное определительное: that I should go to Mrs Strickland’s as soon after dinner as I could. 

rybolov67: Огромное Вам спасибо!!! Очень выручили!
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