Помогите пожалуйста с английским языком , дам 30 баллов
Надо вставить что то
1. Don’t look __ your glasses , I see them on the coffee table
2. It’s not easy to look __ young animals
3. I can’t remember the name of the first British monarch , I’ll have to look it __
4. I’m planning to look __ these magazines in the evening
5. Please, look _ the blackboard , children
6. Don’t read these letters , just look _ them
7. I don’t remember the word , I’ll look it _ in the dictionary
8. Could you please look _ my plants ?
9. Why are you please looking _ me like that ?
10. Why are you looking _ your keys ? Have you lost them again ?
Прошу помогите ❤️


Ответ дал: bizon40
1 look for (искать)
2 look after (присматривать)
3 look up (искать информацию)
4 look through (просматривать)
5 look at (смотреть на)
6 look through
7 look up
8 look after
9 look at
10 look for

Adelina11086699: Боже , спасибо большое
Yuliya1511: молодец!!!
Yuliya1511: ) :
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