Present perfect and continuous (C-D) loin each pair of sentences using the word in brackets.
-You can apply for a better job soon. But you need to have more experience first, (when) You can apply for a better job when you've had more experience.

-I'm going to listen to this tape. I'll be travelling on the motorway tomorrow, (as) I'm going to listen to this tape as I'm travelling on the motorway tomorrow.

1.You shouldn't decide now. You need to think about it first, (until)

2. I'll think of you next week. I'll be lying on the beach, (when)

3. We can leave in a minute. I need to pay the bill first, (as soon as)

4. We can discuss it later. We'll be sitting on the plane together, (while)

5. You can use the computer in a minute. I'll have finished with it soon, (when)


Ответ дал: Zihuatanejo
1. You shouldn't decide until you've thought about it.
2. I'll think of you when I'm lying on the beach next week.
3. We can leave as soon as I've paid the bill.
4. We can discuss it while we're sitting on the plane together. 
5. You can use the computer when I've finished with it.
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