look at the underlined words in these sentences. Which is right?
1.i'm going to buy some right) new shoes (shoes is right)
2.They are going to buy some new chair\chaus
3.They are going to buy some new furniture/furnitures.
4.He's got big blue eye/eyes.
5.He's got short fair hair/hairs.
6.The tourist guide gave us some information/informations abou the town.


Ответ дал: Vica176
Здесь нужно выбрать верную форму существительного. Вся фишка в том, что неисчисляемые существительные и абстрактные понятия, такие как furniture - мебель, hair - волосы, information - информация, не имеют формы множественного числа, так как их нельзя посчитать. Поэтому:

1. I'm going to buy some new shoes.
2.They are going to buy some new chairs. 
3.They are going to buy some new furniture.
4.He's got big blue eyes.
5.He's got short fair hair. 
6.The tourist guide gave us some information about the town.

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