Подскажите плиз завтра экзамен по английскому языку ну контрольная в форме ОГЭ Даю34 баллов
Look! Peter (to stay) at the back door.

We (to miss) the bus. Now we’ll have to walk.

How long you (to be) here?

I (to look) for my keys all the morning but I (not/to find) them yet.

Modern trains (to go) very fast.

He (to go) to the cinema next weekend, I think.

Ann ( to like) playing tennis.

My parents ( to buy) a delicious cake yesterday.

I ( to write) a letter for 2 hours.

Helen ( to dance) now.

Sam ( to feed ) already the kitten.

Nick ( not to read) books every day.

Alice and Den ( to be) at the café yesterday.

The doctor ( to prescribe) a medicine to my granny two days ago.

Our town ( to be) nice and green.


Ответ дал: Zihuatanejo
Look! Peter is staying at the back door.
We've missed the bus. Now we’ll have to walk.
How long you have you been here?
I've been looking for my keys all the morning but I haven't found them yet.
Modern trains go very fast.
He'll go to the cinema next weekend, I think.
Ann likes playing tennis.
My parents bought a delicious cake yesterday.
I've been writing a letter for 2 hours.
Helen is dancing now.
Sam has already fed the kitten.
Nick doesn't read books every day.
Alice and Den were at the café yesterday.
The doctor prescribed a medicine to my granny two days ago.
Our town is nice and green.
Ответ дал: Аноним
Look! Peter is staying at the back door.

We have missed the bus. Now we’ll have to walk.

How long you have you been here?

I have been looking for my keys all the morning but I haven't found them yet.

Modern trains go very fast.

He will go to the cinema next weekend, I think.

Ann likes playing tennis.

My parents bought a delicious cake yesterday.

I have been writing a letter for 2 hours.

Helen is dancing now.

Sam has already fed the kitten.

Nick doesn't read books every day.

Alice and Den were at the café yesterday.

The doctor prescribed a medicine to my granny two days ago.

Our town is nice and green.
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