• Предмет: Английский язык
  • Автор: яоченьоченьтупой
  • Вопрос задан 11 месяцев назад

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Ответ дал: ludazvezdochetp9tn60
3. 1. through, 2. out, 3. after, 4. at, 5 for.
4. 1.forgotten, 2. falling (тут не уверена падающую звезду или уже упавшую), 3. connected, 4. discovering, 5. watered. 6. played. 5. 1. I don`t want you to cry so loudly. 2. I want my elder sister to earn more. 3. John doesn`t expect us to arrive exactly at 4. 4. My morther doesn`t want me to be a dressmaker. 5. All parents want their children to be honest and brave.  №6. 1. singing, 2. dancing, 3. strike, 4. go, 5. crying, 6. walking. Номер 7. 1. Let me watch this movie with you. 2. A boy was forced to wash all the dirty dishes. 3. Did the teachers make you learn poems by heart? 4. Were children allowed to use the telephone? 5. They were always forced to clean their room.
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