Собрать и ответить на вопросы present perfect
l. today, why, given, Chales, his new phone
number, hasn't, you?
2. stories, ever, you, read, by, have, Mark
3. Kate, cooked, yet, why, hasn't, dinner?
_4. France, they, to, been, ever, ~ave?
5. already, seen, the new, you, performance, have?
6. hasn't, this door, lately~ locked, who? ·
7 . . book, taken, lately, you, whose, have?
8~ China, Sue, been, ever, to, . has? .
9. hasn't, turned off, this morning, why,
Alice, the light?
1. who, yet, come, hasn't?
2. ever, told, he, lies, has?
3. answered, haven't, why, you, yet, m-y
4. hasn't, who, the door, just, closed?
5. money, today, spent, how much, you
6. recently, has, to England, Mike, been?
7. hasn't, yet, a sandwich, who, taken?
8. ope;ra, Willy, ever, has, to, listened?·
9. Jane, · yet, hasn't, the poem, by .heart,
1. you, _how many, read, this month, have,
English books? · ·
2. she, been, at the theatre, has, ever?
3. this magazine, why, you, read, yet,
. 4. explained, it, who, to you, has, just?
5. computer, which of your friends, this
year, studied, has?
6. joined, who, just, has, us?
7. ever, travelled, th~y, by ship, have?
8. he, taken off, why, shoes, hasn't, his,
yet? ·
.9. today, been, at school, in time, who,


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