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Ответ дал: danworld5785

I love my apartment, it is spacious and comfortable. In my room there is everything necessary for life. In my room there is a desktop on which a computer and a bookshelf. Also there are many plants, flowers ferns and others. Near the table there is a bed, with a bedside table next to it. On the windowsill there is an aquarium. To the left of the window there is a wardrobe. On this cupboard there are many things TV, figurines, watches. And in the middle of the room there is a small rug.

vanina97: а это какой пункт?)
danworld5785: последний
danworld5785: я надеюсь, я правильно понял
vanina97: тема 1.4 Оборот да?)
danworld5785: да
vanina97: спасибо)
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