Здравствуйте,помогите мне пожалуйста с заданием по английскому языку.

2. A: What______(you/do) right now?
B: I______(study) for the History test.
A: ______(you/want) to take a break/ We can have some tea and then you can continue.
B: OK! That______(sound) good.

3. A: What______(you/cook), Mum?
B: I______(try) a new recipe. It's an Italian dish.
A: Well, it______(smell) delicious I can't wait to taste ill.

4. A: I______(go) to the shops now. Can you join me?
B: I______(want) to come but i can't. I______(need) to study for my exams.
A: No problem. I______(understand).


Ответ дал: yatiya
A: are you doing
B: study
A: Do you want
B: Sounds
A: Are you cooking
B: am trying
A: smell
A:am going
A: need
B: will
Ответ дал: npiq2004
1. are you doing
 i'm studing
do you wont

2. are you cooking       3. i'm going
 try                                    wont
 is smelling                        need

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