Помогите с Present Simple,Past Simple,Future Simple!



Ответ дал: Владимир0Галкин
1. Goes
2. Like
3. Where do you usually go in the evenings?
4. Don't like
5. Went
6. What did you see yestrday?
7. I didn't go to the cinema last holidays.
8. I will swim in the sea next summer.
9. Will you drink tomorrow?
I will go to the cinema tomorrow.
She didn't do homework.
Does she love him?
I went to the village yestrday.
We read this book a mouth ago.

1) He likes to drink tea.
2) I prefer to read Russian books.
3) Where do you usually go after collage?
4) We don't eat fish.
5) I liked him before.
6) When did you make this picture?
7) They didn't swim last summer.
8) I will enter the university next summer.
9) Will he play football toworrow?
1) I will go to practice toworrow.
2) The dog sat beside the girl.
3) Do you like this movie?
4) My dad watched this concert last week.
5) I made a fried chicken. / I cooked a fried chicken.

natalipuh78: Спасибо вам большое!
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