


Ответ дал: sonechko25
4.1. are running
2. am doing
3.are going
4. is sitting, is studying
5. is walking
6. are watching, aren't listening
7. isn't eating, is sleeping

5. small - smaller - the smallest
big - bigger - the biggest
much - more - the most
beautiful - more beautiful - the most beautiful
merry - merrier - the merriest
nice -nicer - the nicest

6. 1. Did the boys listen to the music yesterday?
2. When did the boys listen to the music?
3. The boys listened to the music yesterday, didn't they?
4. Did the boys listen to the music or watch TV yesterday?
1. Is she writhing an English exercise at this time?
2. She is writhing an English exercise at this time, isn't she?
3. What is she writing at this time?
4. Is she writing English or German exercise at this time?
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