Напишите электронное письмо другу.Первый абзац: опишите, что вы делали в субботу.Второй абзац: опишите, что вы делали в воскресенье.Завершите свое электронное послание. На англиском.


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211
Hi Peter,
Last Saturday I went on a cycling trip with my friends. We left our town early in the morning and cycled about 50 kilometers. Then I came home, took a shower, had tea and toast and went to the cinema with my younger brother. In the afternoon we went to the river to swim and sunbathe. In the evening I helped my parents to water the plants in our garden.
On Sunday I woke up later than usual. I had breakfast and help my mum to do housework. Then I played computer games. In the evening my friends came and we all went for a bike ride.
I wonder if you ride your bike a lot. What bike do you have, by the way?
Take care,

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