помогите с английскии, два задания, очень надо!



Ответ дал: parljukljuba
1 there are
2 is there
3 no, there isn't
4 there is
5 there is
6 there isn't
7 are there
8 no, there aren't
9 is there
10 yes, there is

1 I haven't got a video camera.
2 She hasn't got a mobile phone.
3 They haven't got a lot of money.
4 Their car hasn't got a CD player.
5 England hasn't got a lot of mountains.
Ответ дал: id184272144
1 - There are
2 - Is there
3 - No, there is not
4 - There is
5 - There is
6 - There is not
7 - Are there
8 - No, there are not
9 - Is there
10 - Yes, there is
1 - I have not got a video camera
2 - She has not got a mobile phone
3 - They have not got a lot of money
4 - Their car has not got a CD player
5 - England has not got a lot of mountains

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