Помогите пожалуйста



Ответ дал: nunny
1 I avoid watching reality shows.
2 I've managed to upload our film to Youl'ube.
3 I don't mind waiting. I've got lots to read.
4 I've decided to become a journalist,
5 Have you finished reading the newspaper?
6 I don't want to watch this programme.
7 It's worth downloading these podcasts. They're excellent.
8 Do you really enjoy working here?
9 I prefer writing blogs to reading them.
10 I'm not used to getting up early In the morning.

vinsent2: А можешь объясни в краце тему
vinsent2: А то мне не очень понятна эта тема весь интернет перечитал
Ответ дал: VANILLY
1) I avoid watching reality shows. 2) I've managed to upload our film to Youl'ube. 3) I don't mind waiting. I've got lots to read. 4) I've decided to become a journalist, 5) Have you finished reading the newspaper? 6) I don't want to watch this programme.7) It's worth downloading these podcasts. They're excellent. 8) Do you really enjoy working here? 
9) I prefer writing blogs to reading them. 10) I'm not used to getting up early In the morning.

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