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ЗАДАНИЕ: напишите рекламу о водном спорте(adventure sport) за планом на фото
Р. S. на АНГЛИЙСКОМ!!!!!


MaryFairy211: вообще-то, adventure sport - это экстремальные виды спорта, вам надо именно экстрим на воде?
ucolodenkohfbdgfddgj: да,типо такие виды спорта как:hang-gliding,paragliding и тп.


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211
If you want to enjoy a hang glider flight then you should come to the island of Maui, which is the second-largest of the Hawaiian Islands.
It is great fun to be able to fly like a bird and see the beautiful sand beaches and
black volcanic rocks, the rain forest and waterfalls.
The weather on Maui is perfect. Not too hot, not too cold. The temperature during the year is about +25+30 °C.
Maui is called "the Valley Isle" because there are two volcanoes on it with a valley between them. And the best way to see all this beauty is to go hang-gliding!

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