Complete these sentences with one word.
1 I am a student
2My uncle ........ a pilot.
3 She's a secretary. ......... name's Vera.
4'Where's Emma? She's........the kitchen'
5Where's the cafe? It's next........the cinema.
6............'s this? It' my calculator.
7..............'s thet? My dad.
8...............'s Mark? He's at school.
9................old is your friend?


Ответ дал: OQwhite01
(1) I am a student.
(2) My uncle is a pilot.
(3) She's a secretary. Her name's Vera.
(4) "Where's Emma?" "She's in the kitchen."
(5) Where's the café? It's next to the cinema.
(6) What's that? It's my calculator.
(7) Who's that? My dad.
(8) Where's Mark? He's at school.
(9) How old is your friend?
Ответ дал: crdd

2) is

3) her

4) in

5) to

6) what

7) who

8) where

9) how

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