Write the correct Type of Conditionals (0, I or II)

If you … (heat) water to 100 degrees Celsius, it … (boil).
If the sun … (go) down, it … (get) dark.
We … (stay) at home, if it … (snow).
If he … (be) rich, he … (buy) an island.
It it … (rain), the grass … (get) wet.
If you … (not/ hurry), you … (miss) the train.
If it … (rain) today, you … (get) wet.
If I … (speak) Italian, I … (work) in Italy.


Ответ дал: Аноним
If you … (heat) water to 100 degrees Celsius, it … (boils).
If the sun … (goes) down, it … (gets) dark.
We'll … (stay) at home, if it … (snows).
If he … (were) rich, he would (buy) an island.
It it … (rains), the grass … (gets) wet.
If you … (do not/ hurry), you'll … (miss) the train.
If it … (rains) today, you'll … (get) wet.
If I … (spoke) Italian, I would (work) in Italy.
Ответ дал: parljukljuba

1 If you heat water to 100 degrees Celsius, it boils.
If the sun goes down, if gets dark.
We will stay at home, if it snows.
If he were rich, he would buy an island.
If it rains, the grass gets wet.
If you don't hurry , you will miss the train.
If it rains today, you will get wet.
If I spoke Italian, I would work in Italy.

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