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Ответ дал: MariaPKH


2) Has the women got blond hair?

- Yes, she has.

3) Have they got briefcases?

- Yes, they have.

4) Has the lady got an umbrella?

- Yes, she has.

5) Has the giraffe got a short neck?

- No, it hasn't. It has got a long neck.

6)Has they got drums?

-No, they haven't. They have got a guitar


2) it hasn't got a balcony

3) have got four legs

4) she has got a lot of pets

5) I have got a toothache

6) she hasn't got her glasses

7) have got sharp teeth

8) haven't got enought money

Ответ дал: xayrullaev06

2 hasnt got balcony

3 have got four legs

4 has got a lot of pets

5 have got toothache

6 hasnt got her glasses

7 has got sharp teeeth

8 havent got enough money

xayrullaev06: зделано шестое задание
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