Задайте вопрос к выделенным словам и выражениям в скобках.

1. (An operative) finds and apprehends a criminal.
2. He likes to play (computer games).
3. This is (his) book.
4. The witness is (at home) now.
5. (Information) was sent to the operative center.


Ответ дал: Adriana222
1. What finds and apprehends a criminal?
2. What does he like to play?
3. Whose is this book?
4. Where is the witness now?
5. What was sent to the operative center?
Ответ дал: englink
Who finds and apprehended a criminal?

What does he like to play?

Whose book is this?

Where is the witness now?

What was sent to the operative center?
Вас заинтересует