Откройте скобки и вставьте правильную форму
1. How many times a day this man (to smoke) cigarettes?
2. Wich of the pupils (to write)an Enghlish composition the day bebfore yesterday?
3. Your parents (to paint) their cottage next summer?
4. She (to go) to the seaside by plane next month ?
5. We (to go) to the seaside by plane next month?
6. You (to ring) me up in an hour?
7. Your family (to have) a good time on Sunday?
8. You (to answer) your friends letter tomorrow?
9. They (to get) tickets to the theatre yesterday evening?


Ответ дал: MrsKnowledge2000
1. Smokes.
2. Wrote.
3. Will your parents paint...
4. Is she going...
5. Are we going...
6. Will you ring..
7. Have your family had...
8. Will you answer..
9. Did they get..
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