Употребите инфинитив или герундий.

1. If the arrest is made as a result of (to observe, observing) a law violations, an investigation is conducted to determine whether or not a crime was committed.
2. Mobility has given people the opportunity (to commit, committing) crimes far away from home.
3. I suggest (to see, seeing) this film.
4. I couldn’t help (to smile, smiling).


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

1. If the arrest is made as a result of observing a law violations, an investigation is conducted to determine whether or not a crime was committed.

2. Mobility has given people the opportunity to commit crimes far away from home.

3. I suggest seeing this film.

4. I couldn’t help smiling.

Аноним: не-a law violations.
Аноним: а - law violation без а
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