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Ответ дал: parljukljuba

1 who has got a new game?
2 it is snowing now.
3 there are three wolves in the zoo.
4 why are these boys standing now?
5 he speaks English well.
6 who likes the music? My friends do.
7 there is a lot of juice in the glass, isn't there?
8 has she got a large family?
9 Christopher never eats hamburgers, does he?
10 where is the money? It is in the bag.

Koresh118Otryad: Спасибо
Ответ дал: KJlUH
1.не have, a has
3.woolVEs, a не woolfs
4.не do, a are
5.не good, a well
6.my friends DO
7.isn't there
8.не the, a a(артикль)
9.does he(вместо doesn't he).
10.вместо they are пиши it is

Koresh118Otryad: Спасибо
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