

Ответ дал: petrushka652

Hi Tom

Museum and chocolate fabric this landmarks are in my area.Because many people came to this places. Chocolate fabric is more popular than museum because many people love chocolate.What new iphone buy your parents?What firm? Is this good phone? А дальше твоя фантазия.

X10Maria14: Here i have( марка твоего телефона) this is a very good phone. Where did you go in the summer? I'm im(куда ты ехал) What do you like more? chocolate? or museum? I'm more(шоколад или музей) What is your dream? Before the meeting, my dear friend, it was nice to talk witch u. Если что you..скорочено u
petrushka652: ок
Ответ дал: X10Maria14
Here i have for example(марка твоего телефона) this is very good phone. Where did you go in the summer? I'm in( куда ты ехал на отдых). What do u like more? chocolate? or museum? I"m more (шоколад или музей) What is your dream? Before the meeting, my dear friend, it was nice to talk witch u. Если что в Английском (you) скоро чего (u).
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