Помогите пожалуйста, я не успеваю. Очень срочно!!!! Заранее спасибо)



Ответ дал: chikipiki
1.Who has more friends in your class?
2.Sirius is the brighest in the sky at night.
3.That was the funniest film of the year.
4.This is not the worth difficult question you have to answer.
5.It was the coldest winter for many years.
6.They made the worth ice cream in the world.
7.Who has the littlest money -you , Tom or Sylvia?
8.I am the youngest person in my family.

annneya: Спасибо огромное, люблю больше жизни❤️❤️❤️
chikipiki: Всегда пожалуйста )))))
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