the words in the sentences below are jumbled up rewrite the sentences,putting the words in the right order 1)But, door,the,was,a,vinegar,wooden,it,of,made,bottle,glass,had.2)they,once,were,so,tired,both,they,fell,asleep,at.3)door,they,up,and,lifted,the,forty,golden,found,guineas,it,under.4)make,can,cheese,i,which,will,sell,you,and,butter.5)Mr.Vinegar,the,when,cow,the,he,reached,first,market,he,bought,saw.6)bagpipes,he,to,had,idea,play,no,how,the


Ответ дал: mallorka

The vinegar bottle was made of glass but it had a wooden door. They were both so tired they fell asleep at once. They lifted up the door and found forty golden guineas under it. I can make cheese and butter which you will sell. Mr. Vinegar bought the first cow he saw when he reached the market. He had no idea how to play the bagpipes.

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